Participation in the opening of the project “EaP_Initiative” within the Jean Monnet project (16.12.2020, on-line)

16.12On December 16, 2020, the National University “Lviv Polytechnic” hosted the opening of the project “EU Eastern Partnership Initiative: Opportunities for Ukraine” directed within the Jean Monnet project, which will be implemented over the next three years to develop comprehensive knowledge about the European Union, features of Ukraine ‘s European integration, as well as the role of the Eastern Partnership in the creation of a common European space. About 100 people took part in the event.

NEO in Ukraine Jean Monnet manager Petro KRAINIK welcomed the participants and highlighted the implementation of EU Erasmus+ Jean Monnet projects in line with the Programme rules and the provisions of the grant agreement, in particular during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Support for capacity building of HEIs and other organizations on the peculiarities of project implementation was provided.

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